
cvestone 发布于 2023-12-27 356 次阅读 字 预计阅读时间:

Conditions for joining and the agreement that must be obeyed:
***`Guaranteed not to participate in any unethical-hacking-level Malicious activities that harm the national government, company and personal interests.(This is the most important!!!If serious consequences are caused by unethical-hacking-level Malicious activities, the responsibility must be borne by urselves, and has no any relationship with this team. When joining this team, it will be regarded as 100 % consent to comply with this agreement!)
`Have enough love and awe for technology.
`Think is not lazy.
`Have the habit of thinking independently and trying to solve problems on your own first.
`Iike to explore the nature of things.
`Say less low-value words and do more high-value things.
`A resume (such as introducing yourself from a technical stack and emotional point of view, stories about you and hacking, stories about you and ctf, learning experience, expectations and suggestions for the team...I will keep it forever).
Long-term inactivity (ctf writeups and participation in technical discussions are used as criteria for activity), and players who violate basic principles will be kicked out of the team and will not be able to rejoin.
长期不活跃(ctf writeups和参与技术讨论都作为是否活跃的标准),以及触犯基本原则问题的队员会被踢出战队并无法再次加入。

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最后更新于 2024-06-30